Painting the Lightness of Being in 2018

In the wee small hours of New Years Day, I did not make a single New Years resolution.

Instead, I began to play around creating this simple image, and I as I did this I made a choice.
This choice will allow me to fail again and again, and walk away full of insight, inspiration and information.
That’s a Win-Win deal for 2018.

The choice is to be present and firmly grounded within the light that we each carry individually, and collectively.
If I find myself “thinking ahead”, or into the future, I will be powerless in the present, as well as if I am choosing to “sight-see” in the past lane.
Each time I become aware of this I can ask what was the thought or emotion that distracted me into leaving the present moment?
With this insight, I will learn more about myself, and create inspired changes with this information.

Mary Palelogos wrote it beautifully;

“There is a light that shines so magnificently that we forget it exists.
That is the light within us.

Each one of us is born with that light. We are the light at our core that’s our essence. Our light is always there, and it’s available to us to access at any time. What covers up that light is all the fears, negative thoughts and past baggage.
Our energy becomes dense and heavy as we walk around carrying the weight of the world.

We have convinced ourselves that this is who we are and we are meant to live in this way. This is not the case. The truth is we need to let go of everything that is weighing us down, holding us back and limiting us in life.

It is our birthright to feel true joy and a lightness of being. When we let go of who we think we are based on the ego keeping us captive, with its insistence that we are our thoughts, fears, personalities and dramas, we give space in the present time to find out who we really are. Who you are is a radiant soul that has come here, in this time and space, to shine your light and share your gifts with the world.”

To see the full article in the HuffPost, here is the link.

  1. I cannot tell you of the excitement I feel coming across your site. Your art is outstanding and almost brings me to tears. You have such a wonderful gift and the soul to match it.

    I feel that I know you somehow and you have touched me through your art. Thank you. 🌹

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Words escape me in order to fully express my heartfelt gratitude for your comment. I thank you so very much for letting me know this, and for the gift you have given me today through your response. Thank you again!

      Liked by 1 person


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