Painting – Departures & Arrivals

Thank you for everything 2019.

Welcome in, Opportunities of 2020!

In this painting, the past year is symbolized by the Crow. As he exits, we can reflect upon a year of experiences, both personal and shared collectively, that were meant to bring transformation, wisdom, grace and truth. The image of the departing crow is a symbol of learned wisdom gathered throughout the past year. He has completed his job.

The New Year arriving is represented by the Titmouse. The titmouse is a symbol of love, faith, hope and honor. All of our daily experiences are opportunities to see beyond the form, beyond how a situation appears and our personal judgements. Beyond the form is the essence, and in that essence is the truth, a gift of wisdom and grace, and the best of who you truly are, will respond with honor.

New Years Eve Tradition

Every year by habit, I find myself thoroughly cleaning my home the day before New Years Eve. The Christmas decorations are put away and everything receives a good scrub. At the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve I open the back door and thank the previous year for all of its blessings, and each experience to learn as an individual and as part of the greater whole. Then, I open the front door, and welcome in the New Year and all of the opportunities it will bring.

I am not sure where I learned this tradition, it just seems to have always been there. It may be an Irish custom? Begin the New Year with a clean home, gratitude for the past year, and a warm welcome for the gifts and opportunities for the next!


– Thank you!



  1. Wonderful painting!! 😍😍 I love its meaning!! I love this tradition,even my family members follow this custom for New Year it has always fascinated me!! Many wishes for a peaceful and happy New Year! 🥰😘😘🎉🎉
    A hug from Italy,Ely. 🥰😘

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  2. Thank you Liza! I really love the painting and appreciate hearing about the symbolism within the imagery. Wishing you a prosperous New Year and I like your tradition – maybe thats something I can incorporate for myself at the end of this next year.

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    1. Thank you so much, I’m glad the symbolism is interesting! Sometimes I wonder if I use it simply because it was such a vital form of communication for artists that would under the religious radar throughout history. Yes! The New Years tradition always makes me laugh when I find myself talking to each year as if we’re an old, and then new friend. Never too late! It’s still waiting if you think about it😁. Happy new year!

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  3. What spectacular and meaningful artwork! I look forward to more in 2020. I can’t bear to let go of our holiday wreath out front but I did clean the house yesterday…Now I will make sure I am subscribed/following your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! Thank you for such a thoughtful and kind comment! My first thought s upon reading it it was; “…this is the best part of posting my work and the experiences that inspire it, and why.” Sharing the good stuff in life…. Thank you again!


  4. I tend to do more for the Chinese New Year – I’m not sure why because I’m not Chinese but the changing of the animal years resonates – I like to buy a small animal of the year and place it near the front door – have to find a rat for the year 2020 plus I like the feb start to the year because we are on holidays in Jan and I never feel quite ready till I’m home

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