Painting – “Its Been a Stretch.”

So far the year 2020 has been quite a stretch, challenging everyone in the world, in every way.

The crane is revered as a mystical or holy creature, and represents good fortune, happiness and longevity. Like the crane in this painting, each day we stretch ourselves to be present in each moment of uncertainty. We stretch to rise above the fear of the unknown. As a result, step by step, we realize what truly makes us happy all over again, and how the distractions of a busy world separated them from connecting to ourselves and others. Kindness, humor, and creativity has recently risen to new heights, as well as supporting the welfare of others. Each day is a stretch within ourselves to overcome distress and find faith in goodness, courage, and the strength of spirit we did not even realize we processed deeply within, prior to this current time.  Maybe that is the diamond in the rough of this change.

Like the crane, stretch your mind, your body, and that spark mystical holiness within you. You just might feel the good fortune, happiness and longevity deeply within. Then, go share it with others.

– Thank you


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