DoodleStration – A New Groove

“If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy, don’t hesitate. Give in to it.”
– Mary Oliver

For the last few years life has been a whirl of change, inviting me to either be my own drag factor or change with it. My creativity changed as well, and after a sort of lost feeling, a little grumpiness, and some frustration, I eventually chose to go with it and just see where it is was taking me.

Most of the change was time management, and how to continue creating every day, after creating all day for others. For now, a type of doodling is my ‘go to’. I can doodle in the early morning with my cup of coffee, during meetings, and in the evenings. A doodle is spontaneous, not a well thought-out “work of art.” And this is finally where the magic began to happen. I just kept doodling and trying new techniques. Doodling is like play.

“Play is the highest form of research.”
~Albert Einstein

A group of humming birds is called a Shimmer.

The humming bird doodle began while waiting for an oil change. I found that by continuing to develop a doodle for a time, it can also be like an adventure. I kept it with me and added to it here and there. When this doodle was finished, (in a waiting room) I began another doodle of a bird, then later added another, and another. All the birds were different and unique, like a fun group of dear friends.

A diverse group of birds together is called a “Shining.”

Now that I think about it, these doodles are really “DoodleStrations.” This fits for now, and I find myself smiling while I work on these. Play is good, and play can also be joy and meaningful, and continue to guide the adventure.

Here’s to your form of play and the adventures it takes you on!

Thank you

    1. Thank you Hilary!
      Sometimes I wonder if the struggle is wrapped up in work ethic, or patterns we learned? Example, we may have been taught that “you can’t “go out to play” until your homework, or chores are done. As adults, that responsibility list ( chores) can be endless. Like you, as a creative professional, that is our work, so maybe that’s part of the confusion 😁 I don’t know for certain, but I’m making steps! Thanks for the great comment!


  1. You are shining well Liza, a very delightful creation indeed. I like the friends at play, it feels good on the eye and the admiration it engenders. Thank you for sharing the birth of…well…you 🤗🤣❤️🙏

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  2. I just love this Liza! What a great message and example of allowing oneself to have fun and play. This is still something I am working on.

    I love the illustrations. Each one is just so present with joy!

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Cathy, and thank you!
      Permission to play is still an active goal is progress… but I find myself transitioning more rapidly each day. I am so delighted you like the illustrations! Thank you again. ☮️❤️🕊

      Liked by 1 person


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